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Moving away for uni? Practical tips for first-timers 

When getting ready to head off to university, one of the big things to prepare for is moving away from home. While you may not necessarily be scared of it, there’s still a fair bit of anxiety that comes with having no idea what to expect.  

If you’re moving away for uni and your anxiety is starting to get the best of you, here are a few practical tips for first-timers to help make your transition a little bit smoother.  

Learn to manage your time 

Being a university student is almost like having a full-time job, so make sure to write up a schedule or establish a routine. This will assist you in making sure you get everything done in time while still leaving free time for life. Be sure to include fitness breaks, meals, and study sessions. 

Keep stress levels manageable 

Regular exercise, adequate rest, good nutrition, and meditation are all top-rated and easy-to-implement methods of self-care designed to reduce stress. Don’t make the mistake of waiting for your stress levels to become unbearable before taking action. Instilling positive habits into your everyday routine is the best way to stay mentally zen amidst looming due dates. 

Keep yourself financially in check 

It’s crucial to establish a healthy relationship with money as a first-year student. This includes learning how to handle daily expenses, balance a bank account, read a bank statement, learn to live responsibly within a budget and save for future expenses.  

Get involved on campus 

Universities are huge. The best way to avoid feeling lost in the shuffle is to get involved in campus life. Sign up for clubs and societies that interest you, join a sports team, or just join friends to watch a match. Not only will you meet new people, but you’ll feel more rooted in your new life. 

Remember that you’re not saying goodbye to your old life, but rather hello to your new one. And if you need help packing or moving your things, don’t forget about Wigwam’s student storage units, quality packaging supplies and professional removal services in Chipping Norton. No matter your moving needs, we can help make the process easier for you! Pop in for a tour of our facility or get an easy quote online.   

Activities you can enjoy solo in Oxfordshire

Oxfordshire is a tourist hotspot, attracting many families and groups of tourists every year. From the historical buildings to the beautiful scenery, it’s no surprise that the county is so popular for weekend trips and planned holidays. Another reason to visit Oxfordshire is the wide selection of activities to enjoy on your own. 

Whether you’ve recently relocated to the historic county or you’re visiting on holiday, there are many activities to enjoy solo. Consider the following as a starting point. 

Stroll through Port Meadows 

Located just west of Oxford city centre, Port Meadows offers a wonderful view of the Thames River and some of Oxford’s famous landmarks. It’s a great place to take a walk or go for a jog, and there are plenty of places to sit and relax if you need a break. 

Explore the vintage shops 

If you’re looking for a unique shopping experience, Oxford is the place to be. The city is home to a selection of vintage shops, which offer everything from clothes and accessories to furniture and home decor. Exploring these stores is a fun way to spend an afternoon on your own. 

Browse the stalls at the Covered Market 

Visiting the Covered Market is a great way to mingle with other people as a solo visitor, providing a place to browse the stalls and find unique gifts. There are many different vendors, each with their own specialities, including food, clothing and music.  

Join a walking tour 

There are so many sights to see around Oxfordshire, made even more fascinating when you understand the history behind the buildings and the stories behind the structures. Joining a walking tour is a fun way to see these sights, learn about the area’s history and maybe even make a few friends.  

Soak up nature in the University of Oxford’s Botanic Garden 

The University of Oxford’s botanic garden is the oldest in the UK, dating back to 1621. The garden is a popular tourist attraction and is open to the public year-round. It features a variety of gardens, including a rainforest, a specialist plant nursery, and a herbarium. If you’re looking for a beautiful and alluring place to relax, Oxford’s botanic garden is a great option. 

If you’ve recently settled in Oxfordshire and need a helping hand, then our friendly team at Wigwam Self Storage is happy to help. Our personal storage solutions are a cost-effective extension of the home, storing items during a move, while downsizing or as a student on holiday. Give us a call at 01608 565 300 to find out more. 

How to cut down on moving costs

Are you planning a move? Whether you’re moving down the road or relocating to a new city, it’s important to consider the various costs involved – and how to cut them down.  

Without proper preparation, the costs of moving can add up and become unmanageable. Luckily, there are a few ways to cut down on moving costs, and here are just a few of them.  

Schedule your move at the right time 

The cost of relocating can be lowered depending on when you schedule the move. The first step is to book your move in advance. The next is to research the most affordable time to move. For example, Tuesday is the most expensive day to move home, while Sunday is the cheapest. 

Compare the cost of movers 

Get multiple quotes from reputable companies and choose a hiring company that offers a decent price with no hidden costs. Stay away from dishonest movers and make sure that you check the company’s online reviews before confirming the date. At Wigwam Self Storage, we offer cost-effective man and van services, helping to streamline the moving process. 

Save time 

Time is money. When you save time during the move, then you can use your time in more productive ways. Some of the most effective ways to save time include following a comprehensive checklist, using smart packing techniques and developing a packing system. 

Invest in quality packaging supplies 

When you invest in quality packaging supplies then they will remain sturdy and do the job effectively. You can trust that your belongings will be protected, remain undamaged and that you won’t have any high replacement costs.  

Prepare for the worst-case scenario 

Even with airtight planning, there may be bumps along the way. Imagine arriving in a new city and your home isn’t ready? Or realise that your furniture doesn’t fit into your new home? Having a personal self storage unit on standby is a cost-effective backup plan to keep your household belongings secure during a temporary period.  

At Wigwam Self Storage, our friendly and professional team offer a range of affordable moving services including van hire, packaging supplies and self storage units, helping you save costs while moving. Give us a call at 01608 656 300 to find out more. 

How to move in 2 weeks or less – tips for moving

Planning a move can be done over a long period of time as you pack up your home in between your usual schedule, or it could be a rushed experience. If you are under time pressure to move, it can add a little bit of stress to the situation.  

However, planning ahead can help alleviate the stress and make the moving process a lot easier. Consider these easy tips that can prevent you from being overwhelmed when packing for a move in two weeks (or less). 

Tip: Need a place to store some of your belongings while you move? Contact our Chipping Norton, Shipston-on-Stour, or Bromsgrove storage facilities.

How to pack for a move in 2 weeks or less

Moving in two weeks is easy provided you’re following the necessary steps. Below is everything you need to know to ensure a seamless transition.

Make the necessary preparations in advance 

Give yourself enough time to buy moving boxes and packaging supplies so that your belongings are packed safely. Review all administrative tasks, such as travel arrangements and moving insurance, to make any necessary changes. Make sure that you call the utility company and wrap up any loose ends as well.   

Organise all of your belongings 

Decluttering is one of the first practical steps to packing up your belongings and preparing for a move. Make an inventory of all of your belongings, pack all items that won’t be used in the time before the move, and reserve a self storage unit to keep household belongings until needed. 

Start packing 

Even with limited time, you need to give yourself enough time to pack up the home in a relaxed manner. Carefully wrap all fragile items, group similar items together, donate items you no longer need and make sure that all essential items are readily available. 

Finalise your home 

As moving day approaches, make sure that you leave your old home in good condition. Organise a deep clean of the home, move a few carloads to your new home, pack an overnight bag with a few essentials and confirm that all utilities are transferred. 

Hire professional help 

Many hands make light work, and hiring professional help can make the moving process a lot easier. At Wigwam, we offer various self storage services that streamline the move. 

Moving in 2 weeks: Frequently asked questions

Is moving in two weeks possible?

Yes, moving in two weeks is possible; however, it will require careful planning and execution. Start by packing early, get your home and belongings organized, and request quotes for moving or van rental services. Additionally, have a backup plan in case something goes wrong.

What do I need to pack and move in two weeks?

To move houses in two weeks, some of the items you’ll need include:

  • Cardboard boxes
  • Bubble wrap
  • Packing tape
  • Packing paper
  • Moving blankets
  • Furniture covers
  • Marker pens
  • Moving truck rental
  • Cleaning supplies

What time of week is best to move?

The optimal moving days are Monday to Thursday, despite Tuesdays being less popular. Less demand for movers makes scheduling easier. Taking a day off work pays off significantly.

Get storage for 2 weeks

If you’re planning a move in two weeks or less, then we’ve got you covered. Whether you need packaging supplies, van hire or a personal storage unit, we’re a call away. Contact us at 01608 656 300 to chat with our helpful team, or contact us online.  

Tips for building a can-do attitude at work 

Positivity in the workplace offers many benefits, including increased job satisfaction and performance. While a positive attitude is contagious, it involves a lot more than forcing a smile when talking to your colleagues.  

Negativity can reduce motivation and cause tension in the workplace, but building a can-do attitude can boost productivity and improve collaboration.  

So, where do you begin when building a can-do attitude at work? Here are a few tips to get you started. 

Practice deep breathing 

Deep breathing exercises have been shown to offer benefits, from reducing stress and anxiety to improving sleep and boosting energy levels. One of the most underrated benefits of deep breathing is that it can help you cultivate a can-do attitude in the workplace.  

Set personal goals 

Setting personal goals can be a great way to contribute to a can-do attitude. When you have specific goals in mind, you are more likely to take action and achieve them. Outlining your personal goals can help you feel more motivated and positive. 

Think before you speak 

It’s important to think before you speak in the workplace. While you may have the best intentions, poorly chosen words could hurt someone’s feelings or damage relationships. You could even say something that gets you in trouble with your boss or cost your company money.  

Manage your expectations 

Managing expectations is important in any situation, especially when working towards a common goal. If everyone involved has the same understanding of what can be accomplished, it helps maintain a can-do attitude and avoid disappointment or frustration. By setting realistic expectations from the beginning, you can work together more effectively and achieve more as a team. 

Focus on the positive 

It’s easy to get into a rut in the workplace, being weighed down by the pressure of deadlines and the stress of high workloads. Choosing to focus on the positive can shift your perspective and help maintain a can-do attitude. 

Clear your workspace 

When working on any task, it is important to maintain a positive attitude and keep a clear workspace, allowing for better focus and productivity. By clearing away any distractions or negative energy, you can devote your attention to the task at hand. This can be especially helpful when working on challenging or frustrating tasks. A clear workspace helps to create a positive environment, which can make all the difference in your success. 

Are you looking for a place to store the extra clutter in the office space? At Wigwam, we provide safe and secure business storage units to keep excess belongings, helping to create a positive attitude in the workspace.  

Contact our team online to find out more about our cost-effective storage solutions.  

What to ask a landlord when renting a new apartment

Moving into a new apartment comes with a variety of different emotions. Excitement at the fresh opportunity, the stress involved with the move, and perhaps sadness at leaving your previous home behind.  

Amid all of these emotions, it’s important to ask your landlord a few important questions, such as the following; 

What utilities and amenities are included in the rental agreement? 

While you may agree to a monthly rental payment, hidden costs or surprise amenities may be included. Ask the landlord which utilities are included in the rent and which you need to pay for yourself. It’s also important to find out more about the home’s utilities, such as gas or electrical.  

If the property includes amenities, these should also be mentioned in the agreement. For example, ask whether the apartment has parking and whether internet service is included. 

Can you make changes to the premises? 

When renting an apartment, it’s important to remember that you don’t own the property and need permission to change the premises.  

These changes don’t only include the likes of large renovations but also small updates such as painting the walls, hanging frames on the wall and making changes to the garden.  

Who is responsible for the maintenance of the property? 

Property needs to be maintained to keep its value, and normally the landlord is responsible. Ask the landlord about their maintenance schedule, including garden services and major or minor repairs. It’s best to get the process in writing. 

Are there any building rules and regulations? 

The apartment will most likely be a part of a larger corporation with a governing set of rules. Ask the landlord about the apartment building’s house rules and make sure that you follow them. Breaking these rules could lead to a fine or termination of the lease, so ask about the repercussions too. 

What security systems are in place? 

One of the benefits of a complex or apartment building is the security of having neighbours nearby. Question the security systems in place, what lock systems are used and how to get an extra set of keys if needed. 

Asking your landlord important questions can reduce friction down the line and make the moving process more streamlined. Another way to reduce stress is to organise a personal self storage unit to temporarily store your household belongings during the move.  

At Wigwam, we offer a cost-effective solution to keeping your household belongings safe. We also offer man and a van service in Chipping Norton and packaging supplies, making the moving process even easier.  

Interested in finding out more? Contact our friendly team at 01608 656 300. 

A helpful guide to moving with pets

There’s a lot of planning involved with relocating, such as packing up boxes and clearing away clutter. If you have pets, then you also need to consider how your furry friends will be affected by the moving process.  

A little bit of planning can save a lot of stress, especially when you have pets to consider. We’ve put together a few tips to help make the process as smooth as possible.  

Familiarise your pets with packaging supplies 

Pets are curious by nature, and when they see something new in their environment, they will naturally want to investigate. This can be a problem when you have packaging supplies lying around, as your pet may mistake them for their new toy. Start packing early to familiarise your pets with the packaging supplies from the get-go. 

Keep a routine 

Moving can be a stressful experience for your pets too. While your schedule may change during the moving process, it’s important to keep your routine with your pets. Feed them at the usual time, take them for walks, and give them a little bit of extra love! 

Secure your pet during the moving process 

There’s a good chance that you’ll leave doors open while settling furniture and belongings into your new home. Make sure that your pet is safe and secure so that they don’t run outside and get lost. For example, place their dog bed in a secure room with an open window and make sure that they are comfortable. 

Pack an emergency moving bag 

Keep a bag with a few essentials for your loveable pet. Include a water bowl, food, treats, kitty litter and their favourite toy to make them feel at home. Not only will these essential items make your pet feel at home, but they are useful in the case of an emergency.  

Pet-proof your new home before arrival 

Take the time to make sure that your new home is safe and comfortable for your pets. Be aware of some of any potential dangers such as electrical cords, poisonous plants or gaps in the boundary wall, and make sure that they are secured before moving day.  

Do you need a little bit of extra help during the move? At Wigwam, we offer expert moving services, packaging supplies and personal storage solutions to make the moving process easy and stress free. Give us a call at 01608 656 300 to find out more, or contact us online

Meditation for beginners

Practising self-care is an important part of maintaining a healthy well-being, and there are various ways to practice self-care, including exercise, healthy eating and regular meditation. 

Meditation, in particular, offers many benefits, such as reduced stress, increased self-awareness and improved relationships.  

While there are many different types of meditation, the basic principle is always the same, and that is to focus your attention on one thing and to keep your mind from wandering. 

The most important part of meditating is to find a method that works for you. Meditation can be done sitting, lying down, walking, or even standing. You can meditate with your eyes open or closed. Some people prefer to focus on their breath, while others choose to repeat a word or phrase over and over. 

If you’re new to meditation, then you may be wondering where to begin. We’ve put together a few tips to get you started. 

Assign a time to meditate 

If you want to make meditation a regular practice, you need to include it in your daily schedule. Pick a time of day that best suits you, such as the early morning or before bed in the evening.  

Clear a quiet space 

Find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably. You may want to sit in a chair with your feet flat on the ground, or you may want to sit cross-legged on a cushion on the floor. Make sure that the area is free of clutter and distractions so that you can focus on your breath. 

Focus on your breath 

One of the easiest ways to meditate is to focus on your breath. Start with a few deep breaths to calm the body. Pay attention to your breath as it goes in and out. If you find that your mind starts to wander, gently bring your attention back to your breath.  

Be kind to yourself 

Go into your meditation practice without expectations, and realise that it may be more difficult to focus on some days than others. With time and practice, you’ll find it easier to let go of your thoughts and stay present in the moment. Be patient with yourself because meditation takes time and effort to master. 

Try guided meditation apps 

The popularity of meditation apps has been growing over the last few years. These apps have taken off because they make it easier for people to meditate. In some cases, guided meditation can be more personalised than traditional forms of meditation. 

Do you need a little bit of extra space to meditate in the home? Clear away the clutter in a sunny spot in the bedroom or set up a corner in your home office, using our cost-effective self storage units as an extension of your home. 

At Wigwam, we offer safe and secure storage units, available from as small as 25 sq ft or as large as 200 sq ft. Contact us at 01608 656 300 to chat with our friendly team, or contact us online