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Moving into a new apartment comes with a variety of different emotions. Excitement at the fresh opportunity, the stress involved with the move, and perhaps sadness at leaving your previous home behind.  

Amid all of these emotions, it’s important to ask your landlord a few important questions, such as the following; 

What utilities and amenities are included in the rental agreement? 

While you may agree to a monthly rental payment, hidden costs or surprise amenities may be included. Ask the landlord which utilities are included in the rent and which you need to pay for yourself. It’s also important to find out more about the home’s utilities, such as gas or electrical.  

If the property includes amenities, these should also be mentioned in the agreement. For example, ask whether the apartment has parking and whether internet service is included. 

Can you make changes to the premises? 

When renting an apartment, it’s important to remember that you don’t own the property and need permission to change the premises.  

These changes don’t only include the likes of large renovations but also small updates such as painting the walls, hanging frames on the wall and making changes to the garden.  

Who is responsible for the maintenance of the property? 

Property needs to be maintained to keep its value, and normally the landlord is responsible. Ask the landlord about their maintenance schedule, including garden services and major or minor repairs. It’s best to get the process in writing. 

Are there any building rules and regulations? 

The apartment will most likely be a part of a larger corporation with a governing set of rules. Ask the landlord about the apartment building’s house rules and make sure that you follow them. Breaking these rules could lead to a fine or termination of the lease, so ask about the repercussions too. 

What security systems are in place? 

One of the benefits of a complex or apartment building is the security of having neighbours nearby. Question the security systems in place, what lock systems are used and how to get an extra set of keys if needed. 

Asking your landlord important questions can reduce friction down the line and make the moving process more streamlined. Another way to reduce stress is to organise a personal self storage unit to temporarily store your household belongings during the move.  

At Wigwam, we offer a cost-effective solution to keeping your household belongings safe. We also offer man and a van service in Chipping Norton and packaging supplies, making the moving process even easier.  

Interested in finding out more? Contact our friendly team at 01608 656 300. 

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