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If you have kids, you know how quickly their toys can take over your living room. The endless stream of dolls, stuffed animals, action figures, and building blocks can create a never-ending cycle of clutter that seems impossible to control. 

However, with a little creativity and planning, you can create a clutter-free living space that is both functional and stylish. 

Let’s explore some must-try living room toy storage ideas to help you achieve just that.

Use Storage Ottomans

Storage ottomans are an ideal choice when it comes to keeping your children’s toys organised and out of sight. These versatile pieces of furniture are not only comfortable to sit on, but they also offer ample storage space to keep your living room neat and tidy. 

With a range of sizes, styles and colors to choose from, storage ottomans can fit seamlessly into any decor scheme. Some ottomans even come with removable trays, making them perfect for serving drinks and snacks when you’re entertaining guests. 

So, if you’re looking for a stylish and functional way to declutter your living space, a storage ottoman might just be the solution you need.

Create a Toy Nook

Consider creating a designated toy nook. Not only will this keep the space organised, but it will also provide a fun and cosy area for your children to play and read. 

Using a bookshelf or cubby system is an excellent way to store toys, while a comfy cushion or rug can make the nook inviting. 

Having all the toys in one area makes cleaning up a breeze, allowing you to maintain a clutter-free living room that’s both functional and stylish.

Install Wall Shelving

Wall shelving is an excellent solution for bulky toys that don’t fit in an ottoman or toy nook. 

Use floating shelves to provide a stylish and functional display option for your children’s favorite toys, books, and board games. The key is to ensure that the shelves are at a height that your children can easily access so they can take out and put away their toys independently. 

Consider using colorful bins or baskets to further organise and add a pop of color to the shelves. 

Use Baskets and Bins

When it comes to versatile storage options, baskets and bins are excellent choices for keeping your living room tidy. They come in a range of sizes, shapes and colors, making them an easy way to add a pop of color and texture to your decor. 

Baskets and bins can be used to store anything from small toys to larger items like blankets. They’re also lightweight and easy to move around, so you can quickly tidy up any messes. 

Repurpose Furniture

Repurposing an old piece of furniture is an excellent way to create a unique and cost-effective toy storage solution for your living room. 

Instead of getting rid of an old dresser or bookshelf, consider using it to store your children’s belongings. An old dresser can be repurposed to store clothes and toys, while an old bookshelf can hold books and board games. 

This not only helps you save money but also gives your living room a personal touch that reflects your unique style. 

Use Vertical Space

Hanging toy hammocks or nets from the ceiling is an excellent way to store stuffed animals, while over-the-door shoe organisers can be used to keep small toys and accessories organised. 

By using your vertical space, you’ll free up floor space and create more room for your children to play. These vertical storage solutions are easy to install, affordable, and can add an interesting element to your living room decor. 

Create a Toy Rotation System

To minimise clutter and keep things fresh, consider implementing a toy rotation system. 

Rotate toys in and out every week or month, giving your children something new to play with while keeping the rest of the toys stored away. 

This method not only helps prevent clutter but also helps children appreciate their toys more and become more imaginative with the toys they have. It also encourages children to take good care of their toys since they know they’ll get a chance to play with them again in the future.

Consider Self Storage

If you’re still struggling to find space for your children’s toys in your living room despite trying all of the above ideas, it may be time to consider self storage. 

Self storage units, like the ones provided by Wigwam, can be a great solution for storing your children’s toys that they don’t currently use or for seasonal items like holiday decorations. 

It’s a safe and secure way to keep your home clutter-free without sacrificing the things you love.

A clutter-free living room is possible even with children’s toys. By using storage ottomans, creating a toy nook or considering self storage, you’ll be able to create a functional and stylish living space that both you and your children will love.

And if you do decide that self storage is the best option for you, Wigwam is here to help. With various unit sizes and 24/7 security, you can rest assured that your belongings will be safe and secure with us. Don’t let clutter get you down, organise and store your children’s toys today.

Not sure how much space you’ll need, use our handy space calculator!

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